About Us

Two surfers, turned quants,
geek out on the markets.

Two surfers, turned quants, who geek out on the markets.

Our mission: Profitably ride the market's waves without wiping out

Our mission: Profitably ride the market's waves without wiping out

We’ve spent innumerable hours coding, testing, analyzing and developing our system since April 2020. We’ve failed along the way and have grown by leaps and bounds. As has our strategy and algorithm. We launched the Solimar Fund in October 2023. We are proud to say that our live trading performance in the first 6 months of 2024 is almost identical to our backtested performance with an R-Squared of 92% (We run this test every quarter). Time will tell if our system continues to match our hypothetical backtest’s excellent returns.

Our firm
Our firm

2by2 Capital LLC is an alternative investment management firm dedicated to generating absolute returns through a blend of complementary quantitative strategies focused on U.S. equity market index ETFs and Sector ETFs. We emphasize risk management, drawdown control, and capital preservation, using a long-short approach to identify asymmetric risk-reward opportunities. Our repeatable, rules-based processes ensure consistent and disciplined application of proprietary strategies. As emerging managers with backgrounds in science and engineering, we bring a fresh, data-driven perspective to investing, partnering with top-quality partners to enhance our services.

Our goals

Our goals make us different

Never have a down year.

Be in the top 1% of private funds.

Return 2x the S&P500 (SPY) each year.

Do so with 1/2 the risk over 5yrs.

Generate so much wealth for our investors that their giving has widespread impact.

Our values

Our core values are central to our success


We uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our operations. Our commitment to transparency, honesty, and accountability ensures trust and long-term relationships with our investors.

Confident Humility

Confident humility means relying on the robust, backtested performance of our quantitative systems, while recognizing as emerging managers, there will always be more to learn from industry giants.


Our investors’ interests are at the heart of everything we do. We strive to understand their needs, exceed their expectations, and provide tailored investment strategies that align with their financial goals.

Risk Management

We prioritize prudent risk management practices to protect our investors’ assets. Through proprietary risk reduction systems, we aim to achieve exceptional returns while mitigating potential downsides.


We pursue excellence in every aspect of our business. By maintaining high standards and a relentless focus on improvement, we aim to deliver superior performance and exceptional value to our investors.


We are singularly focused on delivering exceptional performance for our investors. We consistently strive to exceed market expectations, driven by an  unwavering focus on risk-adjusted growth.

Contact us today for a more prosperous tomorrow*

Contact us today for a more prosperous tomorrow*

Solimar Fund is exclusively available for investment by accredited investors. 

Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. 

We cannot guarantee future performance and losses are possible

*This material does not constitute an offer or the solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in Solimar Fund, LP (the “Fund”), which such offer will only be made via a confidential private placement memorandum. An investment in the Fund is speculative and is subject to a risk of loss, including a risk of loss of principal. There is no secondary market for interests in the Fund and none is expected to develop. No assurance can be given that the Fund will achieve its objective or that an investor will receive a return of all or part of its investment. Past and simulated performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.

Multi-strategy Quantitative Fund Manager

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This fund is exclusively available for investment by accredited investors, as defined by applicable securities laws.

This material is provided for informational purposes only and nothing herein constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a security.  Investing entails risks, including possible loss of principal. Investments in hedge funds are speculative and involve a higher degree of risk than more traditional investments. 

This material does not constitute an offer or the solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in Solimar Fund, LP (the “Fund”), which such offer will only be made via a confidential private placement memorandum. An investment in the Fund is speculative and is subject to a risk of loss, including a risk of loss of principal. There is no secondary market for interests in the Fund and none is expected to develop. No assurance can be given that the Fund will achieve its objective or that an investor will receive a return of all or part of its investment. All statements herein are qualified in their entirety by reference to the Memorandum, and to the extent that this document contradicts the Memorandum, the Memorandum shall govern in all respects.

Past and simulated performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Any performance data prior 10/2023 does not represent the performance of the Solimar Fund. 2023 performance data prior to launching the Fund is taken from actual returns net of fees from a live trading account managed by 2by2 Capital. Data prior to 2023 represent the simulated performance of 2by2 Capital’s long-short algorithm.

Information provided reflects 2by2 Capital’s views as of the date of this document. Such views are subject to change at any point without notice. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Nothing presented herein is or is intended to constitute investment advice, and no investment decision should be made based on any information provided herein. There is a risk of loss from an investment in securities, including the risk of loss of principal. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will be profitable or suitable for a particular investor’s financial situation or risk tolerance. Asset allocation and portfolio diversification cannot assure or guarantee better performance and cannot eliminate the risk of investment losses. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. There can be no assurance that the performance achieved above will be achieved at any time in the future. All investments involve risk, including the loss of the entire investment.

Prior to Accessing our Tear Sheet

This fund is exclusively available for investment by accredited investors,  

This material does not constitute an offer or the solicitation of an offer to purchase an interest in Solimar Fund, LP (the “Fund”), which such offer will only be made via a confidential private placement memorandum. An investment in the Fund is speculative and is subject to a risk of loss, including a risk of loss of principal. There is no secondary market for interests in the Fund and none is expected to develop. No assurance can be given that the Fund will achieve its objective or that an investor will receive a return of all or part of its investment. All statements herein are qualified in their entirety by reference to the Memorandum, and to the extent that this website contradicts the Memorandum, the Memorandum shall govern in all respects.

The hypothetical backtest results presented herein are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent actual trading or future performance. .

Information provided reflects 2by2 Capital’s views as of the date of this document. Such views are subject to change at any point without notice. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Nothing presented herein is or is intended to constitute investment advice, and no investment decision should be made based on any information provided herein. There is a risk of loss from an investment in securities, including the risk of loss of principal. Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will be profitable or suitable for a particular investor’s financial situation or risk tolerance. Asset allocation and portfolio diversification cannot assure or guarantee better performance and cannot eliminate the risk of investment losses. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. There can be no assurance that the performance achieved above will be achieved at any time in the future. All investments involve risk, including the loss of the entire investment.

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